We take advantage of global networks of JAL Group and DFS, worldwide duty-free chain, and have a wide selection of fascinating goods including latest novelties, items not yet available in Japan and exclusive merchandise for JAL DUTYFREE. Also, you can enjoy advanced reservation service and customer privileges extensively. We support your travels to make them more comfortable and enjoyable!
Facility | Narita International Airport |
Floor/Area (General Duty-free Shop) |
Terminal 2 3F, waiting area after passport control |
Line of Goods | Liquor, cigarettes, cosmetics, perfume and fashion accessories |
FAX | N/A |
Business Hours (General Duty-free Shop) |
Main Building Store:07:15~22:00 Satellite Store:07:30~21:30 |
URL1 | JAL DUTYFREE SITE TOP http://www.jaldfs.co.jp/ |
URL2 | Narita Airport Shop Information & Advanced Reservation Site http://www.jaldfs.co.jp/narita/ |
Remarks | Information about advanced reservations are available at Narita Airport Shop Site. |
Member’s corporate Name | JAL-DFS Co., Ltd. |